• FCE Use of English 1 Student's Book

FCE USE OF ENGLISH 1 Student's Book (curs)

  • FCE Use of English are ca scop pregatirea studentilor pentru examenul Cambridge ESOL FCE (First Certificate in English).
  • contine exercitii de gramatica, activitati de consolidare si teste practice pentru nivelul FCE (Cambridge First in English).
  • raspunsurile exercitiilor se gasesc punctual in cartea ”FCE Use of English 1 Key” sau rezolvate direct in cartea ”FCE Use of English 1  Teacher's Book”.
  • clasificat de CEF pentru nivelul B2.
  • este primul volum al seriei intitulate ”Fce use of English”.
  • publicat la editura Express Publishing, autor Virginia Evans.


FCE Use of English 1 Student's Book

  • 71,85Lei

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Etichete: examen, Cambridge, First, Certificate, FCE, B2